The Problem

We have come a long way in discussing abortion and understanding the impact it has on society.
However, many people are still unaware that over 60 million children have lost their lives in the United States to abortion.

Abortion is promoted as a safe and legal solution to a life-altering problem. But the impact of this choice is not quick, simple, or painless. Physical, spiritual, emotional, and psychological scars can result from an abortion decision. The consequences can vary, ranging from drug and alcohol abuse to anger, guilt, loss, grief, depression, and anxiety. Many women will go on to choose abortion multiple times and without God’s healing, carry wounds that can last a lifetime.

Abortion providers advocate that abortion is a common choice in America. One half of American women will have an unintended pregnancy and three out of ten will have an abortion. Nearly half (44%) will go on to choose abortion again and again, compounding and intensifying their initial devastation. Nearly half of these abortions take place in teenage girls and women under 25. For each young woman, there’s a man who also experiences the loss of fatherhood.

It is impossible to know how each life lost to abortion could have impacted our city, state, nation or even our world. Obviously, there would be many more mothers, fathers, grandchildren, friends and neighbors. Perhaps one of those lost to an abortion decision could have found a cure for cancer, become a future President, been a loving grandchild or parent, even brought peace to far regions of our universe. Our world will simply never know the worth of any individual lost.